Events operations goes beyond just being on-site to run the event. Every event starts with a good and proper planning. Apart from a good plan, proper knowledge management and documentation is also required in making sure the event will run smoothly as planned.
A total of 45 students enrolled for Events Operation module in August 2021 semester started to familiarize themselves with the importance of this. As part of the co-teaching for event management series, the School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events (SHTE) was delighted to welcome Ms. Dee Dee Quah, Adjunct Senior Lecturer & Industry Advisory Panel, Taylor’s University; Founder & Director of Medical Conference Partners, and Vice President (Conference) of Malaysian Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (MACEOS) for this round of guest lecture sessions.
It was indeed a privilege to have Ms. Dee Dee on board to share her vast experiences and knowledge on this topic from the perspective of an industry expert. With more than 10 years of experience in hosting and organizing conferences, she was the ideal person for the topic on Knowledge Management and Business Management Tools. During the one-hour online session, students were exposed to how important and crucial it is for the event manager to know how to manage information and documentation in planning for an event. The success of an event starts with a good plan, and a good plan comes with a good written document that will be the guide and/or reference to run all the plans and decision making, as well as proof for every discussion and decision made in the future.
An event’s timeline, budget, milestones, responsibility charts, production schedule, meeting minutes, progress reports and event reports are among the key business management tools required in events operations. Students’ feedback on the session was encouraging as they not only benefited from Ms. Dee Dee’s knowledge, but also gained a new perspective on knowledge management and business management tools. As these students are preparing for their own event, this session was indeed very informative and useful learning experience that provided them with a very good exposure on this topic.