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Celebration of World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism for Inclusive Growth

In conjunction with the celebration of World Tourism Day with the theme “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”, PATA Malaysia Taylor's Student Chapter (PATA MTSC) collaborated with PATA Student Chapter Temasek Polytechnic Singapore, PATA Student Chapter Lombok, PATA Student Chapter Philippines Enderun and the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events (SHTE) in organizing a travel photo contest and cultural sharing activity among these student chapters from 10th-25th September 2021 followed by a virtual forum on ‘Tourism in Post Pandemic Era’ on 27th September 2021.

The virtual forum on ‘Tourism in Post Pandemic Era’ was opened with an impressive welcome remark by Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Head of School, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor's University, Malaysia. Around 170 participants attended the forum which was moderated by Dr. Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran, Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.

The panel speakers were representatives from the PATA student chapters, Kelly Christie, Bachelor of International Tourism Management Student, Taylor's University, Malaysia; Lale Rahma, Travel Arrangement Student, Lombok Tourism Polytechnic, Indonesia; Sander Fuentes, International Hospitality Management with Specialization in Hotel Administration Student, Enderun Colleges, Philippines; Le-Anne Alcantra, Hospitality and Tourism Management Student, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore.

All panel speakers shared their views on the impact of Covid-19 on tourism and hospitality industries, the recovery strategies and new transformation that should take place in the future for tourism development in their respective countries. This was the first collaboration between these four PATA student chapters and the idea was initiated by PATA MTSC.

Prior to this forum, the student chapters organized a travel photo contest from 10th-25th September 2021 and the winners were announced during the forum. There was also a cultural sharing activity among these student chapters on 24th September 2021 to explore the diversity of culture among these four countries. These series of activities for World Tourism Day brought the student chapters together and initiated a good start for connecting with more students from around the region.


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