A team of researcher from the School of Food Studies & Gastronomy (SFSG, Taylor’s University, Ms. Tracy Wong Fang Lian, Principal Investigator, together with her team members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chong Li Choo and Dr. Wendy Lim Pek Kui have successfully secured RM101,500.00 Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) from the Ministry of Higher Education for the project title "Investigation of Water-Electrolysis Generated Ozone on Aromatic Ring-based Pesticide Degradation and Heavy Metals Elimination in Producing High Quality Attributes Local Grown Chilies (Capsicum annuum L.): A New Approach of Postharvest Greener Technology"
This project aims to establish a set of defined water-electrolysis generated ozone system using this green technology to remove heavy metal, pesticides and microbial load from locally grown chilies. The outcome of this project is expected to contribute towards new approaches to food and nutrition security, support growth of the national economy and underpin sustainable development. This also to assists the food processing industry in Malaysia to comply with more stringent international food quality and safety standards.
It is also an Academic and Industry collaboration with Medklinn International and Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).