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Ep3: A Diary of Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) by PhD Scholar - Denise Duar

Here’s another entry from the “Diary of an ECCE Scholar”. In this entry, Denise Duar, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) PhD Scholar from the School of Education, Taylor’s University shared a glimpse of what it looks like in her classroom, as she teaches the Diploma in Early Childhood Education programme. Denise took the opportunity to introduce some of her students from this undergraduate programme. These students who are currently in their first-year shared why they have chosen the Early Childhood Education discipline for themselves as well as their short and long-term goals.

One of the student by the name of Ariana shared that she has always been interested in how a child’s mind changes as they grow and that she hopes to be able to support children during these important years so that they will be able to thrive and accept themselves as unique individuals. Many of the students in the video also shared their plans to further their studies in Bachelor Degree in Education upon completing the Diploma and eventually starting up their own school for young children.

Watch the full entry/video at

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