“Little-Joe's” is a Social Engagement Initiative founded by 4 students from the American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP) who were baking enthusiasts Ms. Low Kai Teng, Ms. Yu Li, Ms. Dawn & Ms. Rachel. They started a baking business together during the Covid-19 pandemic with the objective of making a difference.
This initiative ties in well with the concept of holistic education in ADTP which is rooted in experiential learning and places emphasis on relationships that people create with each other. Their efforts deemphasize materialism while promoting growth in areas related to the human experience: intellectual, emotional, and social. Little Joe’s mission is to create a positive and loving environment where those who are less privileged feel at home and cared for by the society.
They have thus far donated 60% of their profits ~ RM6,501.74 to OrphanCare in the Summer 2020 semester. They will be donating to another organization soon and urge everyone to support their mission in helping marginalized children and their families.
Do follow their Facebook for further information: