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Pastry & Bakery Industry Professionals Sessions with Taylor's Bachelor of Patisserie Arts Students

School of Food Studies & Gastronomy (SFSG) has put new effort to engage professionals and experts from the Pastry and Bakery Industry to share their input, ideas and feedback during the student project and assessment day. The School has invited industry practitioners to participate as the Assessor to evaluate students’ skills and knowledge through their final product presentation.

The aim of the session was to provide additional knowledge about the skills, products and presentations that are required by the industry hence the students will be able to meet the industry expectations and standards followed by the trend and current demand. The students were required to prepare their products by referring to the given task and presentation while the Assessor provided valuable comments and feedback for better improvement.

For 'Chocolate and Confectionery' module, the Module Leader Chef Shahril Nizam has invited Chef Thaddeus from Academy of Pastry Arts (APCA) Malaysia to assess the student product presentation. The students had to prepare some confectionery products like a bonbon, macaroon, truffles, candies and fudge for their final project.

According to the task, students were required to prepare their own proposal that involved a few aspects such as product creation, packaging and branding to suit the specific theme and concept. This provided opportunity to the students to develop their entrepreneurial mindset as part of the preparation before their internship placement. The Chef not only provided feedback for improving their products but also encouraged the students to improve their skills primarily in confectionery arts.

While for 'Celebration and Designer Cakes' module, Chef Jessica Ting from Miss Shortcakes, a Designer Cakes Studio and Café was invited to be an Assessor during the student's final presentation day. The students prepared 4-tier wedding cakes with different techniques and designs such as marble techniques, laces, painting, stenciling and gum paste flower making for each layer. As a wedding cake designer, Chef Jesicca shared her thoughts on the design and also provided some ideas for the students to apply and improvise on the cake. At the end of the session, she delivered an encouraging speech to motivate students, especially on the cake preparation, to be a Cake Designer and Artist.

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