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Hope For The Future Project Organised by Bachelor of Education Students

On 4th February 2020, a group of students from Bachelor of Education programme taking 'Introduction to Applied Linguistics 2' module, together with their lecturer Dr. P. Thivilojana reached out and led a project to empower the marginalized community through an educational endeavor.

This group of future teachers decided to carry out their final project by conducting a micro-teaching session with students from the Chin Refugee Center in Puchong. The aim of this project was to create awareness among teacher trainees about marginalized communities and the social issues that were affecting these children.

Realizing that the education can make a change, these students stepped out of the norm to teach these students English on that day. It was an eye opener as well as an enriching experience for both our future teachers and the students from the refugee center as they were able to engage with one another and have created a positive change towards the teaching and learning process.

On the whole, these future teachers have not only obtained real life experiences managing students from a diverse background, but also obtained a better understanding and made a positive impact through a holistic educational approach.

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