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Tourism Economics: International Trade & Future of Tourism Industry by Prof. Dr. Madeline Berma

International trade plays an essential role in enhancing a country’s economic growth and development. It positively impacts the tourism industry by boosting tourist arrivals, infrastructure, the quality of tourism services, the exchange rate, and so on. Hence, it is essential for tourism students to have a wide and clear understanding of international trade and its role in the tourism industry. In line with this, the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events organized a virtual Tourism Speaker Series on ‘International Trade and Future of Tourism Industry’ for tourism students.

The session aimed to provide students with a solid understanding of the importance of international trade to the country and the tourism industry, as well as the effects, challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism. Prof. Dr. Madeline Berma, an Honorary Professor of University Malaysia Sarawak and Adjunct Professor of Taylor’s University, was invited as a Guest Lecturer to share her expertise and experiences on tourism economics and sustainable tourism. Around 30 tourism students joined and benefited from this 90-minute session.

Prof. Dr. Madeline discussed the process of international trade, the relationship between international trade and tourism, the effects of tourism including direct, indirect and induced effects, the effects of tourism on national income, community, tourism stakeholders and the challenges and opportunities of sustainable tourism. She concluded her session by highlighting various strategies and policies implemented by the Malaysian government.

In the end, the Q & A session was very helpful to the students to clarify their doubts about the influence of tourism on national income, exchange rate and national promotional strategies. It was a very insightful session for the students.


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