There is a constant misconception that a Clinical Psychologist is often surrounded by ‘crazy people’ or they are only talking to ‘mad’ people. To better understand the day-to-day workings of a Clinical Psychologist, the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SLAS) organized a webinar titled ‘A Day As A Clinical Psychologist’ for the public. This webinar aimed to educate and build awareness regarding the working life and day-to-day activities of a Clinical Psychologist.
The webinar began with our student moderator, Mr. Goh Ian Shen from the Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) programme in Taylor’s University, in which he introduced the panel of imminent and experienced professional speakers. The panel speakers consisted of Dr. Lim Hooi Shan, Programme Director and Senior Lecturer from Taylor’s University; Dr. Salami Mutiu Olagoke, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris; Ms. Evelyn Soong Yoke Fen, Director and Clinical Psychologist from MPS Psychological Services, and Ms. Sam Jeng Mun, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist from Taylor’s University.
The panel speakers introduced all the typical works of a Clinical Psychologist such as psychological assessment, psychoeducation, psychotherapy, writing case notes, conducting research, and peer supervision. The participants were exposed to the various roles play by each panel speaker, such as being an academician, starting a psychological centre, practicing as a Clinical Psychologist in private centres, non-governmental organisations, and government and private hospitals. The webinar received great responses from the public. The audience participated actively and raised many questions to the panel speakers during the sharing session.
One of the questions was related to the effect of clinical practice due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The panel speakers shared that online consultation and telehealth were among the options to reach out to the public who needs mental health support. The panel speakers also stressed the importance of mental health conditions and how Clinical Psychologists can assist in providing mental health support to the affected individual during these unprecedented times. SLAS would like to sincerely thank the external speakers, Dr. Salami Mutiu Olagoke and Ms. Evelyn Soong Yoke Fen for spending their valuable time; sharing wonderful insights regarding their experiences and practices. The audience of about 100 people surely obtained a better understanding of the day-to-day works of a Clinical Psychologist after this webinar.