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Forum: Challenges and Promises of Chinese Language Teaching

More students, parents, schools, and institutions are recognizing the importance of being able to understand and communicate in the Chinese Language and this recognition has led to significant growth in Chinese language programs over the past years. Indeed, demand seems likely to increase further. The 2-hour online forum entitled “Challenges and Promises of Chinese Language Teaching” visited this issue and addressed 4 salient points:

  1. Trends of Chinese learning

  2. Challenges in learning the Chinese Language

  3. Developing the capacity of Chinese Language teaching

  4. The future of Chinese Language Learning

The event was moderated by Dr. Jasmine Jain, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Taylor’s University and the panellists were Mr. Tay Kok Jun, Education Officer, Universiti Brunei Darussalam; Ms. Yeo Pueh Teng, Mandarin Teacher, Taylor’s International School Puchong and Mr. Fong King Yap, Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Taylor’s University.

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