After more than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, the events industry continues to pivot for faster recovery with new skills and revamped operating procedures. Students enrolled for the Conventions and Meetings Management module offered by the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events (SHTE), Taylor’s University were given opportunity by tapping into the expertise and guidance of adjunct lecturers and panel of industry partners.
As part of the Industry Insights on Event Management Series, our recent appointed Adjunct Senior Lecturer - Ms. Dee Dee Quah was invited to share her secrets of success on “Programme Planning for Conferences” to a group of undergraduates. The Founder and Director of Medical Conference Partners, Dee Dee had organised more than forty-five conferences over the past twelve years.

The program planning process is a significant part of creating a successful conference. Students received a practical perspective from the session as various components of conference activities that served attendees’ objectives were explained in details. Dee Dee also shared her personal experiences on strategies applied as she guided her team to overcome the challenges faced by the industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Apart from the 50 students from Taylor’s University, the online session also attracted students from other universities in Indonesia and the Philippines.