On 17 and 18 February 2022, the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SLAS) collaborated with the Bangladesh High Commission of Malaysia and Centre for Genocide Studies, Dhaka University organized a successful International Mother Language Day 2022. This year's theme was "Language in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic" held via Zoom platform. The welcome address on the first day was delivered by the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh, AK Abdul Momen. In his video message, he emphasized the importance of clear and unambiguous interpretation of languages and expressions in the time of the coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, Executive Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences & Leisure Management, Taylor's University Malaysia, touched on the linkage of languages towards the tapestry of cultures across borders. He further described the profound changes in languages, cultures, and social trends that have emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic. In his welcome remarks, Professor Imtiaz Ahmed, Director of the Centre for Genocide Studies (CGS), University of Dhaka, pointed out that the language of the virus, language of the state, and language of the people must come together if we were to overcome the pandemic.

The event continued with the keynote paper presentation from SLAS Adjunct Professor, Prof. Dr. Wan Zawawi followed by a panel discussion themed 'Pandemic and Language' was held wherein scholars Nunghathai from Chulalongkorn University of Thailand; Shamini Flint from Singapore; Preeta Samarasan from France; Prof. Joseph Gonzales from Hong Kong & Prof. Amena Mohsin from Dhaka University, Bangladesh participated. The iconic song Amar Bhaiyer Rokte Rangano was played as the opening of the second day.

This event united ten countries, where Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Japan, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Tajikistan, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives represented their country by a video performance. The event's highlight was the performance by Bachelor of Performance Arts (Hons) Taylor's University titled "I Found God". International Mother Language Day 2022 ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Anindita Dasgupta, Head of School, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences.