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Write for Rights Campaign by Amnesty International Malaysia

35 Creative Writing students from the January 2021 semester had the opportunity to expand their creative writing skills by engaging in Amnesty International Malaysia's Write for Rights Campaign. The event took place on 10th February 2021, in one of Dr. Nur Haniz Mohd Nor's Creative Writing Classes, where Katrina Maliamuv, Director of Amnesty International (Malaysia), educated the students on the value of writing letters to the "Powerful Individuals" who have been detained around the world for fighting a specific cause for their community. Amnesty International campaigner Lily Jamaluddin and Activism Organizer Lau Li Yang continued to share insights and activities with students on how writing letters is vital and how society tends to overlook connectedness in writing a letter in this digital age that we live in. The students had a great time and learned a lot from the session.

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