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A Night to Treasure: Unleashing the Fun during the ADTP Social Night Fall 2023

Taylor’s American Degree Transfer Programme (ADTP) Annual Social Night event was recently held on the 5th of October 2023. Under the advisory of Dr. Nurfarhanim Abu Bakar, Lecturer from the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, the members of ADTP Student Union (ASTER) organized a spectacular night of fun and games.

The event was specifically knocked into shape to provide an opportunity for both Freshmen and ADTP Seniors to socialize and get to know each other beyond the classroom environment. The event saw a high-level of interest from the outset, with a total of 80 attendees, not including ASTER's 10 Committee Members, activiely participated in the event.

ASTER is a student body that represents all ADTP students and will advocate for the interest, collective needs and concerns of our fellow ADTP students.

The night kicked-off with an ice-breaking challenge, which brought about rounds of laughter and helped the attendees feel at ease. ASTER Committee Members moderated a series of games that received warm reception from the attendees over the course of the next hour and a half. The game sessions focused on providing a platform for attendees to share unique details of themselves and their cultures with other attendees. 

This year’s ADTP Social Night was attended by students of various nationalities, ethnicities and cultures, which provided the perfect opportunity for attendees to learn more about their coursemates in a fun and interactive manner. This wonderful melting-pot of different cultures made the night all the merrier and enabled attendees to experience music from various countries and languages.

Following the game session, attendees enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner provided by the management. The night ended with attendees enjoying the rest of the event by singing, dancing and socializing with their newly acquainted friends. All-in-all, the event successfully delivered on its promise to bring a night of cheer and festivities to all attendees.

Based on the feedback provided, the ADTP Social Night was rated to be excellent and attendees showed great enthusiasm to attend such future events.

ADTP Student Union Instagram:


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