Taylor’s e-Innofest is a platform to showcase all the culminating ideas of innovation in the different disciplines. During the recent e-Innofest virtual event, the students from Bachelor of International Hospitality Management (BIHM) showcased Multidisciplinary Projects with the students from Architecture and Computer Science to create innovative projects that blows you off your mind. Out of the 6 projects submitted by BIHM students, we are proud to announce that the BIHM project "i-RSV: Multifunctional Robot for Housekeeping - I-Robot, R-Refresh, S-Sanitize, V-Vacuum" has emerged as the Finalists in the category of Commercialization Potential.
The 6 projects presented were conceptualized, planned, developed & co-curated with Taylor’s Me.reka Makerspace from BIMH students through their Hotel Innovation Management Module under the meticulous guidance of the Module Leader Mr. Chiew Boon Tian, Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events:-
Boutique Hotel: MLE Project-Re-developing Parking Lot into a Boutique Hotel
Facial Recognition: FR Hotel Ecosystem New Check-In System
i-RSV: Multifunctional Robot for Housekeeping - I-Robot, R-Refresh, S-Sanitize, V-Vacuum
V-indow: Hotel room with Virtual Scenery in Malaysian Hotels
Care Shelter: Fundraising Bazaar – MLE project
Sotel: Safety & Hotel Mobile Apps featuring Tourist Attractions, High-risk Spots, GPS and more