A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and apply the content knowledge to solve a task at school. But what are the effective practices in a flipped classroom? And how can teachers align flipped learning (FL) with assessment? The School of Education organized a webinar entitled “Making Flipped Learning Work: Classroom Practice and Assessment to discuss how to implement this popular pedagogy effectively in classrooms.
The guest speaker was Dr. Umawathy A/P Techanamurthy, Senior Assistant Director, Instructional & Digital Learning Division, Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia and session was moderated by Dr. Lee Yee Ling from the School of Education. The participants were bachelor and postgraduate students from the School of Education and Taylor’s lecturers.

At the beginning of the webinar, Dr. Umawathy established her relationship with the participants using an online platform – AhaSlides. This activity allowed the participants to share their real-life teaching experiences with the guest speakers. Then, Dr Uma presented an online problem-centered FL framework which could be used to guide the design of an effective flipped lesson. She discussed a lot of learning activities which could be used before, during and after live teaching sessions to engage students in FL. She also recommended various technological tools such as Edpuzzle, Jomboard and Flipgrid which could be integrated in flipped classrooms.

Besides, Dr. Umawathy emphasized the importance of constructive alignment between learning objectives, flipped activities and assessment in a lesson. She shared insightful thoughts on the ways to assess FL effectively such as providing guided questions to students, preparing good rubrics and giving feedback on students’ work. Finally, Dr Umawathy discussed some emerging issues in FL, including students’ preparedness and readiness to participate in flipped activities and utilization of alternative assessment for FL purpose. The webinar ended at 7.30 pm with a summary and words of appreciation for the guest speakers and participants for their support.