Ms. Sam Jeng Mun, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist, Taylor’s University has written a column for the luxury digital platform Buro 24/7 Malaysia. Buro 24/7 Malaysia provides fashion, beauty, culture, lifestyle, watches, and jewellery news. Ms. Sam contributes to the field of lifestyle and culture by writing articles about psychology and current events.
With a strong desire to raise public awareness about mental health and in improving mental health literacy, she plans to write more articles about de-stigmatizing mental health and assisting individuals who may or may not struggle with mental health conditions to better understand themselves. So far, she has contributed articles on Autism Spectrum Disorder in honour of World Autism Awareness Day, Successful Aging in Women in honour of International Women's Day, and gender fluidity. As a result of this opportunity to this luxury digital platform, she will be contributing more articles on a regular basis.
The full articles can be viewed at https://www.buro247.my/columnist/sam-jeng-mun.