The webinar "Cuisines as Cultural Heritage: A Dialogue Between Food Studies and Gastronomy” was held on the 18th of June 2021 (Friday) and gathered 250 registered participants and 200 views on Facebook. This event organized by School of Food Studies and Gastronomy and the Chair of Food Studies which aimed at providing a platform for dialog session on Food Studies and Gastronomy.
This webinar session led by Dr. Voltaire Cang, RINRI Institute of Ethics, Japan and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at School of Food Studies and Gastronomy along with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laurence Tibère, University Toulouse Jean Jaurès & CERTOP-CNRS, France and Chef Sharizan Azali Bin Mohamed Zamzuri, Taylor's University School of Food Studies and Gastronomy, Malaysia & Research Chef Association, USA.
The Post Graduate Programmes in Food Studies are offering students the opportunity to deepen their understanding on food cultures and food systems from the perspectives and methods of social sciences. One of the key research areas of the educational programmes consists in “Gastronomy, Heritage & Tourism” where processes of defining food heritages and their relations with the construction of collective identities are analyzed.
Research on food heritage is also undertaken by the Chair “Food Studies: Food Cultures and Health”. Created in August 2012 by Taylor’s University and University Toulouse Jean Jaures, its objectives are to: Participate in the development of the research profile of Taylors University and develop research partnerships. The webinar was able to bring together diverse fields of experts from all parts of the world (Asia-Pacific, Americas, Africa and Europe).
The webinar is available on the School's Facebook page:
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