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Culinology® Future On-Demand: Condito-Aqua-Sphaera (Flavor-water-spheres) Workshop

On the 22nd of January 2020, a workshop entitled “Culinology® Future on-Demand” was held at the R&D kitchen. This workshop was attended by 9 students from Bangladesh International Tutorial (BIT). The purpose of this workshop was to create awareness and interest in the Culinology® programme among these potential students. This workshop was briefed by Dr. Benjamin followed by a hands-on activity on how to produce flavour-water-sphere using blue flower solution and rose/orange liquid flavour.

In addition, they also learned about how pH changes the structure of the molecules responsible for the blue colour in the blue flower solution and the subsequent colours displayed in the solution. All the participants were excited in preparing the best presented beverage and amazed by the juiciness of the rose/orange liquid flavours bursting from the spheres upon consuming the beverage they created. These students are currently in preparation of entering into O-levels, A-levels and then university. This workshop will add Culinology ® programme into their list of potential university programmes.


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