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“Growing Together” Mental Health Awareness Week: “R U OK?” “R U Your Own Doctor?

Taylor’s Master of Clinical Psychology Lecturers and Students Trainee Clinical Psychologists were recently invited by Taylor’s International School Kuala Lumpur (TISKL) for their Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week was “Growing Together”. Dr. Sam Jeng Mun, Senior Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist from Taylor’s University was invited to deliver a talk about teen mental health, titled “R U OK?” on 6 September 2022.

The talk focused on identifying and recognizing mental health issues in teens and resources for mental health support. Dr. Sam and the Master of Clinical Psychology students also conducted role play sessions to demonstrate helpful ways that students can use to check in with their peers who may be struggling with mental health issues.

On 8 September 2022, TISKL held another forum titled “R U Your Own Doctor?” during the Mental Health Awareness Week about the dangers of self-diagnosing mental health issues. Dr. Michele Anne, Lecturer and Clinical Psychologist from Taylor’s University was invited to be part of the panelists for the forum, alongside young adults who have experience dealing with mental health issues. Dr. Michele and the other forum panelists discussed the benefits and dangers of self-diagnosis, fact-checking online information, and other mental health support available.

The Master of Clinical Psychology students from Taylor’s University Trainee Clinical Psychologists also provided brief mental health screenings for the students at TISKL. Students were given the opportunity to learn more about their current mental health . The Trainee Clinical Psychologists also had a one-on-one discussion with the students on ways to boost their mental health and wellbeing.

This invitation by TISKL was a great opportunity for the Aacdemics and Students of the Master of Clinical Psychology to increase mental health awareness among school students particularly teenagers and provided resources to support their mental health.


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