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Innovative Teaching:The key to Create Future Workforce Skills among Students in the Disruptive World

The Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS), a professional organization that supports the promotion and advancement of eLearning practices in the ASEAN Region, successfully held its 4th International Congress on eLearning (ICE 2019) last September 12 to 14 at Bellevue Resorts in Panglao City, Bohol, Philippines. Under the theme “Empowering Future Workforce in the Era of Disruption” eLearning practitioners namely Dr. Markus Launer of the Ostfalia University in Germany and Dr. Kandappan Balasubramanian from Taylor’s University in Malaysia delivered significant keynote speeches. During the three-day program, 5 ICE talks, 4 parallel workshops and 31 research presentations were conducted. The 5 ICE talks showcased eLearning practices of educators, media specialists, distance education facilitators, instructional designers, university administrators, policy makers and industry partners in the Philippines and abroad.

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