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International Language Day 2020 "Let's Mind Our Language!"

International Language Day (ILD) is an annual event conducted by the Centre for Languages at Taylor's University. Due to the current situation, ILD 2020 was conducted virtually over 3 one-hour workshops, via Zoom. The language workshops which were offered on 7th October 2020, received 150 participants from Taylor’s staff and students.

The French language workshop was handled by Ms. Alice Voon and Ms. Janaki Ragawan, meanwhile the Mandarin language workshop was conducted by Mr. Fong King Yap. The Korean language workshop was conducted by Ms. Anna Jung Gyeo Woon.

The theme for ILD 2020 was Let’s Mind Our Language!, which was to expose Taylorians to the Do’s and Don’ts of each culture. Therefore, participants learnt about the culture and etiquette practiced by speakers of each of the languages.


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