Taylor’s Bachelor of Performing Arts in collaboration with The Actors Studio (TUTAS) under the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences recently joined hands with one of the top media influencers in Malaysia, Cilisos.my to conduct a Media Mentorship Programme as part of its Introduction to Creative Writing module. This six-week mentorship programme exposed students to learn various skills including the digital skill for creating effective online content which culminated in their final assessments which were jointly assessed by our lecturer, Mark Beau De Silva together with mentors from Cilisos. Students worked collaboratively to produce videos that touched on topics which targeted urban and young Malaysians to be later published on Cilisos and Taylor’s University online platforms.
This series of workshops were conducted by Cilisos’s Editor-in-Chief, Chak Onn Lau together with his team to train more than 35 Taylor’s students. Only a few best videos will be selected and published by Cilisos. This exciting collaboration truly benefited our students to explore their individual potential as writers as well as content creators which will diversify their digital skills after graduation and better equip them for employability.
This experience exposed our students to the real working environment, understanding various stages of the production process from pitching the ideas, planning, managing, and editing. With this collaboration, we hope to equip our students with more possibilities to nurture their creativity and contribute to the community. More collaborations and opportunities will be explored by the school to develop our students holistically.
You may find the videos here: https://fb.watch/66DYyFKTHy/