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Op-ed Publication in Malaysiakini by Dr. Benjamin Loh on Cyberbullying in Malaysia

Dr. Benjamin Loh, Senior Lecturer, School of Media and Communication co-wrote with a fellow Malaysian academic, an op-ed in May 2021 regarding rampant cyberbullying in Malaysia. The recent controversy with Ain Husniza surrounding a casual rape joke by her teacher caught the nation’s attention and raised issues regarding the blasé way in which rape is discussed in the country. This issue highlighted the pervasiveness of rape culture in the country that drew many detractors to cyberbully Ain relentlessly on any online platform she was on.

Engaging in cyberbullying over a child just speaking her mind, raises the questions as to why Malaysians seem to condone or been unaware of why they feel they have a right to cyberbully. This op-ed interrogates the problematic nature in which Malaysian men feel they have a right to cyberbully as long as they perceive themselves to be “right.”

The article can be accessed here:

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