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Pastoral Care Workshop by Ms. Rosanna Kirkbride, Head of Primary, King Henry VIII College, Malaysia

In conjunction with Taylor’s Professional Development Week, School of Education had invited Ms. Rosanna Kirkbride, Head of Primary, King Henry VIII College, Malaysia as the speaker for a workshop entitled “Pastoral Care Within International School Settings”. The workshop in general was aimed to explore the importance of pastoral care in the school setting.

In the workshop, the speaker and participants were engaged in understanding the various factors and possible scenarios educators would have to take note of, including how learners can be supported in their emotional, social and academic developments in an encouraging and safe environment.

It was the overarching goal of this workshop to develop awareness and deepen knowledge on pastoral care for those involved in the education field. The workshop was attended by about 130 participants and provided the opportunity for the participants to think critically about the essentials needed in providing effective pastoral care for learners.


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