Dr. Sana Ho, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology at Soochow University, Taipei was the invited speaker for Master and PhD Food Studies Webinar themed “Bridging the Gap via Food: Cultural Heritage, Governance and Sustainability”. She is a Chair of Taiwan Association of Visual Ethnography, Member of Advisory Committee in Genetically Modified Foods of Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, and a Columnist in Taiwan major medias such as Ryori.Taiwan, Liberty Times and United Daily News.
Dr. Ho’s expertise and her multi-disciplinary background puts forward the initiative of Taylor’s School of Food Studies & Gastronomy and Center for Asian Modernization Studies connecting to the food industry, UNESCO SDG Goals, research and teaching in food studies. Cross culture, globalization and sustainability are the main topics in today’s modern societies in South Asia. Master and PhD in Food Studies programme at Taylor’s University are offering opportunities to students to deepen their understanding on these issues via Dr. Ho’s talk.

She shared about her previous experiences and research on how to apply professional knowledge of food studies in the areas of intangible cultural heritage, food governance and sustainable development. Dr. Sana shared three case studies from Taiwan and South Korea, including revitalization of a small fishery village via its traditional culture of female divers, making intangible cultural heritage in contemporary South Korea, and genetically modified organism (GMO) food policy and food risk in Taiwan.

About 60 participants attended this webinar which was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elise Mognard and Dr. Yang Fong Ming from Taylor’s University, School of Food Studies & Gastronomy.