Taylor’s American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP) recently held its first virtual commencement ceremony to recognize the achievements of its 2020 & 2021 cohort of students. The event, held on the 18th of December 2021 was well-attended by faculty, guests and graduating students together with their parents. Head of School, Associate Professor Dr. Anindita Dasgupta gave the welcome address and introduced the Keynote Speaker Professor Russell Ganim, Associate Provost & Dean of International Programs from the University of Iowa, who gave a moving address.
Following the speeches, Program Director Dr. Loh Kah Heng presented the program’s achievements during the past two years despite the multiple lockdowns due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This was then followed by the presentation of the AmInvestment Bank Book Prize Awards to top students in the respective majors.
The awards were presented by Mr. Gan Kim Khoon, Executive Vice President/Head of Equity Markets of AmInvestment Bank. The ceremony then continued with the presentation of names of all graduating students and ended with the traditional valedictorian speeches by student representatives, Mr. Bernard Yap represented the Class of 2020 and Ms. Low Kai-Teng the Class of 2021. The ceremony concluded with Ms. Prema Ponnudurai, Head of Department of Liberal Arts and Humanities wishing all the graduates the very best in their forthcoming journeys abroad and ahead.