The Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Culinology®) students showcased their final year project “From Waste to Gold: Utilising Jackfruit Seed in Developing Healthy Food Products” in the Future FoodTech Festival (FFF) 2022 at Publika Kuala Lumpur. FFF2022 was organized by Thought for Food (TFF) Foundation, the world’s pioneer and leader in next-gen innovation and startup acceleration for food and agriculture. This initiative fosters an enabling innovative environment that is pivotal for systematically reducing youth unemployment, rejuvenating the agri-food sector and creating new jobs along the value chain.
Taylor's Culinology students, the next-gen innovators, play a very important role in contributing significantly to the transformation and revolution in the Agri-Food sector with their 6 Healthy Food Products consisting of Jackfruit seeds, an agriculture by-product from local jackfruit production. They presented a range of various products including plant-based surimi, dairy-free ice-cream, dairy-free cheese spread, dairy-free nougat and high protein chips. These commercial-ready ranges of products are promising solutions for current rising concern about our planet’s future food security and the search for alternative sustainable sources of food.