Once again, the Master in International Hospitality Management (MIHM) has proven that in these unprecedented times, the learning never stops! Seven students from MIHM successfully defended their dissertations from 7th to 9th July 2020, via Skype. Students presented a range of topics from employability, medical tourism, green practices, and many others during the three days.
The School thanked the Chair of the panel, Prof Jean-Pierre Poulain, Co-Director of Taylor's Toulouse University Center (TTUC) & Chair of Food Studies: Food, Cultures and Health, for his expert guidance in heading the sessions. Esteemed members of the jury were Associate Professor Dr. Seyyed Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Dr. Jiseon Ahn, Dr. Rupam Konar, Dr. Joaquim Dias Soeiro, Dr. Rokhshad Tavakoli, Dr. Kandappan Subramanian and Dr. Shantini Thuraiselvam from the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor's University.
The jury members from our respected partner institution were Associate Professor Dr. Paul Pichon, Professor Laurence Tibere and Associate Professor Dr. Cyrille Laporte from University Toulouse Jean-Jaures, France. The supportive supervisors were Associate Professor Rahmat Hashim, Dr. Jiseon Ahn, Dr. Mayukh Dewan, Dr. Elise Wong, Dr. Shantini Thuraiselvam and Dr. Jeetesh Kumar from Taylor’s University.