'Politics and Public Issues in Malaysia' is one of the core modules taken by students in the Taylor's Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) in International Relations and Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) in Social Innovation and Change. The module discusses various issues revolving around Malaysian politics and government, including government spending, civil rights, poverty, education, urban problems, crime, violence and repression, defence policy, environment policy and foreign policy.

In addition to learning activities in class, the module also includes monthly webinar series called “The Malaysian Politics and Public Issues”. The webinar series aims to provide knowledge to students and the public on politics and public issues in Malaysia and involves various prominent Policymakers, Journalists, Practitioners and Academics as Speakers and Discussants. The webinar series 2022 deeply discussed the 15th General Election (GE-15) as this national important event is coming closer. The first webinar titled “Whither GE-15?” was conducted in September involving three speakers and a discussant.
Among the invited Speakers were Mr. Philip Golingai who is the Senior New Editor from the Star Media Group; Dr. G Manimaran who is an Election Analyst and Media & Communication Consultant, Member of the #RasuahBusters Core Team; and Adjunct Prof. Anas Zubedy who is the Founder and Managing Director of Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd. Whereas, Ms. Nur Ainif Omar, Lecturer who teaches the 'Politics and Public Issues in Malaysia' module served as the Moderator at the webinar.

The webinar had successfully attracted many students, academics and the public who were interested in important politics and public issues in Malaysia, especially the 15th General Election who is coming closer in the next few months.