We are pleased to announce the new Adjunct & Visiting appointments of the schools.
School of Media and Communication (SOMAC)

SOMAC recently welcomed two newly appointed Adjunct Professors, Ms. Lina Tan, Founder of Red Communication, and Ms. Zabrina Fernandez, Founder of Wildsnapper TV to help oversee the Broadcasting and Digital Media Production programmes. With over 20 years of experience in the broadcasting industry, they both bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, having worked on productions for international broadcasters such as the Disney Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Asian Food Network and Amazon Prime to name a few. They have also produced a large amount of television and film content for local broadcasters Media Prima and Astro. We are very happy to have them on board and are looking forward to a long and prosperous partnership with these two talented women.
Taylor's Culinary Institute (TCI)

TCI is pleased to welcome the newly appointed Adjunct Lecturers. This initiative was aimed as a platform by well renowned professionals, to share their experiences and entrepreneurship principles to our academics and students. It was also to strengthen and enhance the teaching, learning and professional profile of the Institute. This is also to foster and strengthen links between the Institute and our Industry partners, professional and industrial communities.
More details about School's Adjunct & Visiting appointments: